Thursday, December 12, 2013

Solano Property Managers Helping County Economic Development

Solano County Property Management Is Helping County Economic Development

Who helps Solano County’s economy? Solano Web StartUp Help assists the web home business organization. This Solano landlord boosts the Solano economy.  More companies means more jobs.  More jobs means a bigger tax base to pay for needed services without raising Solano taxes.

Smart internet and physical location web company leaders are encouraged to join Solano Web StartUp Help.  Virtuous web and street address management minded go getters from Fairfield, Suisun, Vacaville and Vallejo enjoy free Solano County membership. Make your web and street address organization trustworthy. High minded and reliable startup can thrive in Solano County’s Fairfield, Suisun, Vacaville and Vallejo.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Grow your Solano web business

Grow your Solano County web and physical interface organization online. Leave your web and physical interface new firm checkbook at home. Free web home business and internet and physical location online new firm services help. Join Solano County’s affordable web home business referral network. 707 434-8000.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Managing Solano Meeting Spaces: Free Help

Check out the new Solano Party Jump Start. 

Solano property managers and event planners can get free help.

Enjoy free business event organizer help available for Solano property managers and event planners. Start your conference planner sole proprietorship, partnership or corp in City of Fairfield. Solano – Napa Counties entrepreneurs are encouraged to grow. Solano Event Planning Incubator benefits because your future conference planner sole proprietorship, partnership or corp may need Solano Event Planning Incubator’s smart and cost effective amenities for your business function developer.  

Share conference planner ideas on and www.SolanoMeetingSpaces.BlogSpot.Com. Useful bank loans help for your business function developer sole proprietorship, partnership or corp. Get your part of Solano – Napa Counties’s business function developer market share.

Free special function planner help is free special function planner help. Solano Event Planning Incubator seeks serious business event organizer entrepreneurs. No conference planner gimmicks please. Solano Event Planning Incubator stands for ethical party planning practices throughout Solano’s Fairfield, Vallejo and Vacaville. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bad Solano Property Management Companies In Fairfield, Suisun, Vacaville and Vallejo

Have A Bad Solano County Property Management Company? Find A Good Solano Property Manager In Fairfield, Suisun City, Vacaville and Vallejo.

Common Signs Of Having A Bad Property Manager Or Landlord:
-Lacking proper real estate documentation. Examples for missing real estate documents include: written leases, move in check lists.
-Violation of tenant privacy rights
-Non repairs: bad electrical wiring, poor plumbing, leaking roofs.
-Evictions: Improper 3 day notices

Solano property managers cover Dixon, Vacaville, Fairfield, Suisun City, Rio Vista, Benicia and Vallejo.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Solano property managers are not all alike

Are big property management companies better than small property management companies?  This is a debatable point. Bigger property management companies may have an economy of scale leading to certain levels of efficiency. However the client may get lost in the shuffle.

It is not always easy to find the best property manager. However a good property manager can save the property owner a lot of money, time, and hassle. Look for example at the Solano property manager and real estate broker Sam Orr.

Sam Orr is a very well experienced individual who really cares about his clients. His fees are also very affordable.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fairfield Conference Rooms

Fairfield Conference Rooms - Why Pay Too Much?
Best Deals On Solano Meeting Room Rentals For Property Managers

Only $18 To $24 An Hour Meeting Rooms

Small Fairfield Conference Rooms: Seats up to 5. Only $18/hr
Available as a private furnished office suite, or small conference room style.

Medium Fairfield Conference Room: Seats up to maybe 8. Only $24/hr
Available with conference table or classroom style.

Large Fairfield Conference Room: Seats up to maybe 12. Only $24/hr
Available with conference table or classroom style.

4 Cent Copies: Cheapest Fairfield copies. Color copies 24 cents. For virtual office or full time suite clients.

Fairfield Virtual Office ™ - Mail Receiving & Conference Room Package: $75/mo.
Get first four hours of conference rooms a month free.  Available in hourly increments. Plus use our commercial street address on your website, business cards, etc.
• Weekends & After Business Hour Meetings Welcome:  Receive a wireless key fob for after hour access. Free with Fairfield Executive Plan ™. Otherwise double the regular charge with a two hour minimum.

Best Price Guarantee:
• Solano County’s most affordable business conference rooms compared to other meeting rooms in nearby cities along highways I-80, 12, 505 and 680. Fairfield Conference Rooms ™ has offered the best pricing for serviced office building conference rooms and office spaces since before Jan 2000.
• Centrally located in a large market area with over one million people. On main gateway to downtown Fairfield and modern $101M Solano County office building. Near highway 80. The spaces are more affordable than meeting rooms in the nearby markets of: Davis (25 min drive), Dixon, Vacaville (8 min drive), Fairfield - Suisun City - Rio Vista – Benicia - Vallejo (12 min drive), American Canyon - Napa Valley and downtown Napa. We’re located near the Napa County line. Novato (35 min) on highway 101. Even people from San Joaquin County’s Lodi and Stockton come via highway 12 to open satellite offices in a part time Virtual Office or full time office suite capacity.
• Charities and Solano property managers can ask for discounted rates.
• Lower priced than hotel conference rooms: Best deals for Fairfield workshop space and meeting rooms.
• All Included: No extra insurance fee for your regular business meetings. No mystery Solano commercial real estate fees. No deposit. Free coffee, WIFI, small amounts of free office supplies. More.
• Also Solano County’s most cost effective office suite rental programs. Compare us with traditional office space lease costs:

• Unlimited coffee and tea
• Video Conferencing
• LCD Screen for: power point, web video, etc. Just plug in your notebook.  
• Dry Erase Board

Optional Services For Solano Property Management Companies: