Today's Solano Property Owners Are Asking Which Election Candidates Can Best Fix Solano Neighborhoods.
With today's recession, and landlords lacking funds to sometimes keep their houses and Solano apartment complexes up to shape, there's a noticeable trend towards a moderate decline in Solano and most of the western world for that matter.
Solano Business News is expected to award Suisun City as Solano County's most progressive city. Suisun mayor Pete Sanchez and his city council members Jane Day, Mike Hudson and others get much of the credit.
Where does this leave Fairfield? Is Fairfield's old boy network doing as good a job as Suisun City? Solano Property Management News believes city council election candidates need to have business experience. Pam Bertani and Steven Kays both who almost won recent Fairfield City Council elections come to mind. Pam Bertani is an innovative patent attorney helping business start ups, etc. Steven Kays founded Innovation Institute, LLC - also a patent development organization.